Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wow I have 25 posts over 25 days. This is probably the best 'diary' that I have ever managed to accomplish. I'm going to blame it on the automatic posting of scheduled entries. This means I can look like I am doing due diligence everyday when in reality I am simply having bursts of entries and then shove them into a queue. It supports my abhorrence of daily tasks and lets my brain work the way it wants to. I can't tell you how many failed diaries or journals I have that have like maybe a max of 10 days filled out before I fail. And it's not like I fail just by skipping a day. I skip like months or years at a time. Or basically until I rediscover the notebook and re-purpose it. I think I'll do a post like this every 25 just to congratulate myself. I'm okay with that.

Though I suppose I should say something interesting for whoever is reading these posts. But I really don't have anything. And trust me, I'm going through my mental lists. Though I make terrible mental lists. I make terrible lists in general because like, I make them, I'll write them down, and then I'll never look at them again. Same goes for notes. How useless is that. Though some of my college notes went to good use when I bequeathed them to my brother to help him through the torturous hell hole that is Tech. I will be forever relieved that I got through that school. And my brother only has a semester and like a month. I have all of my fingers and toes crossed in hope that he makes it out in one piece. Because good lord he's had it rough. I don't know what he did to piss of the universe in a previous life but I swear he gets the shit end of the stick at nearly every turn when it comes to education and bureaucracy. If he got all of the German and Swedish blood to make him a giant among men, I got all of the Irish luck. 

Wow, I really got rambling there. Well, this is my 'diary' entry. I'll try to keep the other entries to this blog more story and art based and less about my personal life. But, welcome to my brain. It's a terrifying place. That reminds me of an 'essay' I wrote... I'll post that tomorrow.

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