Tuesday, April 9, 2013

AeacusTero Part 2

          Aeacus is part of one of my larger works in progress. I probably won't be putting too much of it up here except for the art of the characters. Aeacus should be up maybe soon. I'm having trouble with her face. 

          Anyways, Aeacus comes from an inspiration to do some fan style characters of myself and a few of my friends. I then liked this set of characters that I removed some of their fan characteristics and created a story for them. I used my friend's horoscopes, actual occupations, and personalities to assign the characters their classes and occupations. Since I am an Aquarius and I end up moderating a lot of things and playing psychologist for family and friends, Aeacus ended up in the Wisdom class as an arbiter.
          Now, she could have done the formal stuffy route, but I was modelling her after myself and I really hope that's not what I am. Instead she is very friendly and enthusiastic about a lot. She likes to make connections with people, different people and has friends in various fields. Her best friend is in an engineer in the Maker class. She has connections with the Travelers, Rulings, Honours, and Makers and is well respected with the Servers, Raisers, Fighters, and other Wisdoms.
          There isn't much of a back story for their characters since I'm not going to include any hidden sneaky things in the main story that affect them. 
          Her personality is pretty loud and meddlesome but she knows when to back off and be quiet. She takes her Wisdom class to heart. But unfortunately she gets into people's personal lives a little much without invitation. So while she has good advice, it is mostly unsolicited and not really followed. She is hurt by this behavior, but hides it behind a fake persona of being drunk. She carries a jug of grape juice and often makes jokes about drinking and uses that as an excuse to drop hints and to pass herself off as not being as aware as she really is. She dislikes that she relies on such a lie as a crutch for her personal interactions. She is fiercely protective of her friends and won't avoid confrontation when they are involved. She is very good at manipulating people even based on a few clues. She does this a lot to her best friend who is well aware of it and regularly hits Aeacus for it. She comes off as a very nice bitch. She is very intellectual and has a passion for old stories, relationships, and psychological inferences. 
          Physically she is actually short compared to some of her friends (particularly the Makers (minus the tiny architect)). She's slightly plump in a fit, curvy way. She has long dark hair that curls around her shoulders with heavy bangs that sweep across her forehead to the right. She has blue and purple flecked eyes, pointed teeth, and pointed ears (all traits of her race). She has a naturally warm skin tone. She's usually wearing a body suit underneath her Wisdom robes (various shades of purple) that are loose and drape over her with sleeves that go past her fingertips and a wide sash across her waist. She has heavy leather boots that she finds perfectly comfortable. She also carries no less than ten short knives and at least one long one and is extremely proficient with them. Not that she uses them that much, but it goes with her protective nature. 
          Story-wise, she is essential to getting the group together for the initial trip. She is selected by the ambassador for her previous work with one of the other races they are travelling to visit. She picks who to bring along by using her connections to the other classes. She is also slightly precognizant which gives her a slight advantage in dealing with people, choosing the right people for the trip, and gives her nightmares as warnings of what will happen should the group fail. She hates it and this is the only thing that she hides from her best friend/Serut. 
          On the whole she's a pretty decent character with a couple flaws that I see in myself. She also has some skills that I want like better people skills, precog would be cool, and definitely want to learn how to use knives. The best part about her though is her relationship with Alke, her best friend. They are good foils to each other. Alke keeps her in line a lot when she would normally be just a bitch but also gives Aeacus some room to be the bitch when she needs to be. 
          I'll try to work on getting some more sketches of Aeacus up. (She's the purple one in the Easter pic, btw.)

1 comment:

  1. I would reallly like to read a more "slice-of-life" type of story with this character rather than a epic type of story
