Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Bombings

          My heart and prayers go out to the victims of the Boston Bombings. I can't imagine the pain and fear of the people in the area, but I congratulate and thank all of the people who ran towards the explosion to help those who were hurt by the blast even if they were not official emergency crews. 
          How this happened is easy to explain. Bombs are easy to make if you have time, material, and an instruction manual. The Why though, I cannot comprehend. I hope the people who had a hand in this are caught and then never see the light of day again. I want them to suffer for every death, every injury, every loss suffered yesterday.
          For Boston, be safe, be careful, and be proud. From what I know, people reacted well to the situation. I am sorry for your loss of both lives, wholeness, and safety. I hope you can return to normal as soon as possible. 
          I encourage those who can help, do so however they can. If you want to give blood, wait a little while because they will have an influx of blood right now, but they will need it later too. If you want to give money, find a good organization. If you can, reach out to someone in Boston and make sure they are okay and if they need anything else. 
          Good luck everyone, and be safe.

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