Thursday, April 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Em!

          Aw man, another birthday. And so close together. Sorry to anyone who doesn't actually care but today's post is dedicated to one of my best friends.
          HI EM! *waves furiously* Do you realize that we already have known each other for four years? And to think I met you on a clerical whim. You were our fourth random roommate at Tech. And we thought you were going to be this bitch who wouldn't talk to us or hang out with us and hated us without even meeting us (we have disproved all but the bitch part). And even after we found out that you just accidentally ignored us on facebook and you were actually friendly, we had a hard time drawing you out. The swine flu didn't help. But eventually we did. I still remember offering to lend my skills as a vent to you while making lunch. And boy you have made me keep my offer, haven't you? Not that I ever mind. Hell, it's one of my best skills!
But four years later and we are still talking. I think that fact alone is awesome. 
          You definitely help balance me because I know I am a social failure. You help me get off my ass and actually go out and try. Your venting helps put my own concerns into perspective. You listening to my rambles helps me refine my ideas into something valid. Your support of my art and writing really helps me especially when I hit my low points. I love the fact that we can share enthusiasm about Portal and that sending each other thinkgeek gifts is a thing. 
          I know I am stealing this word/concept from Homestuck, but you are a damn good moirail. "Without this person, I would not be sane." Yes this is a two way street between us. Thanks for grounding me. And pulling from my own fantasy world, a perfect Serut, 'Partner of the Soul'. It's not hard to write Aeacus' interactions with Alke or to write Alke's responses because you are just so much fun to write.
          You are my best friend and I hope that this friendship continues. Luv ya, Em.

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