Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Demon's Story - Back Story part 2

          When the man unlocks his Gift with the willing sacrifice from the virtuous, Heroic woman in the inn by the sea, he doesn't quite become a demon. His sins are still present but he becomes nearly angelic and with nearly equal power to the demon who killed his family, destroyed his people, ruined his lands, and gave him the Gift. With this new power the man goes in search of the demon leaving a wake of white hot fire that cleanses the land behind him. But as he kills the lesser demons, their power adds to his, their sins not forgotten but lost underneath his righteous fury.
          His fame precedes him until it finally reaches his demon. The demon gets excited because of the growth of his gift. It will be such a return of power once he defeats the angel. He quickly kills all of his local demon spawn and sends a message to the angel to meet him at his battlefield. The angel comes immediately and attacks.
          They are equals in power and the clash of such is immense. The angel has his military service and the innate power of the Heroes now, but the demon has survived for thousands of years, defeating men and demons. The battle is not ended quickly. Their blows light up the sky and shake the earth. The air is scorched to where even water burns. The fight continues for days, stretching into weeks, months, almost a year. 
          On the anniversary, the demon loses.
          No one knows what turns the tides, what gives the angel the advantage for that last blow. No one could get close enough to the battle to witness the particulars. All history knows is who won. And the aftermath of such.
          The course of a demon's power never changed, whether it is fueled by sin or virtue. so when the angel wins the battle, the demon's power flows into him. All those millennia of collected and cultivated sin flow into the angel swamping the Heroic side along with the sins that the angel had collected prior to his change and along his path to the demon. 
          Some speculate that the demon knew of this and allowed himself to be defeated in order to give birth to a Demon double the power of himself that would fall to the side of sin. Under the deluge of darkness, the angel succumbs to the evils of man and becomes a Demon once more. His righteous fury dims under the magnitude of evil residing in him now that the need to avenge his family has been satisfied. 
          He becomes the worst evil that mankind has ever seen.

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