Sunday, April 21, 2013

Not a Fairy Tale Ending - Part 2

          Her head aches when she finally comes to. In fact it feels like most of her body is sore. She feels particularly sharp pain along her wrists and ankles. Her thoughts swim in cloudy darkness as she tries to remember how to open her eyes.
          "Wake up, darling. I don't want you to miss the action."

          She winces as bright light shines into her eyes as she opens them. She blinks rapidly to clear her vision. She recognizes the great hall from her brief glance at it the night before but this time the view is from the throne's dais. Morning sunlight slants across the empty room from the high windows. She hears movement from behind her and tries to twist around but finds she can only move her head. She glances down and finds her wrists tied around the arms of the throne itself. She assumes that her ankles, waist, and shoulders have likewise been bound.
          "There we go." He finally steps into her view. "I would hate for you to sleep through the excitement. He's almost here," he sneers into her face. He pulls away before she has a chance to spit on him, the projectile falling uselessly to the stone floor. "How rude." His voices comes from behind her. She struggles against the ropes but there is no movement at all. "I was hoping to keep you in one piece for when he arrives," she stills when she feels the sharp edge of the blade press against her throat, "especially since he is so close. I want to kill him in front of you. Or you in front of him. Which do you think would make for the better ending to this tragic fairy tale?"
          "Meri!" The shout rings out through the other end of the room. She looks up to see a man in red standing under the large arches, sword drawn and expression full of concern.
          "Jones! No!" Meri calls back before she is cut off by the blade pressing closer. She watches with horror as Jones runs forward into the room instead of away despite the obvious trap. 
          "Hold up, General. Come any closer and I will hurt your darling Meri." Jones comes to a stop in the middle of the room. 
          "Let her go."
          "Of course. Here I'll untie her and let the two of you just waltz right out of here unharmed." The knife leaves her neck by a small distance as he gestures broadly. "Do you really think I am that stupid?"
          "Let her go, Kione."
          "It's King Kione to you," there is a sharp venom to his words. 
          "You are no king to me. You are no king to his country. You are a tyrant that needs to be removed before you kill everyone."
          "So your lies keep saying. You've raised a pitiful army of rebels to try to take me out while my army is off defending you. What sort of gratitude is that."
          "Defending? The country of Rurik did nothing to provoke your invasion. They don't even have a standing army. You sent your army off to slaughter innocents!"
          "Again with your slander, General. Now I understand how you raised your army. Anyone stupid enough to believe you would be up in arms with accusations like that. I've done nothing but keep you and your people safe."
          "You terrorize them. You kill anyone who speaks out against you!"
          "Like I did to Meri's traitorous parents. They were plotting to kill me in my sleep and take the throne for themselves."
          "Never!" The blade returns to the soft skin of her neck to silence her argument.
          "Just like you were planning to do, my dear. Like mother, like daughter I suppose. And then you and the General would take my throne and destroy all that I sought to build. I'm sorry, this won't turned out how you planned it, General. This isn't going to turn out like one of your fairy tales. Your rebellion won't be successful, your revenge won't be sweet, good won't triumph over evil."
          "I don't care about any of that!" Jones counters. "Just let Meri free."
          "And why would I do that, General Derrick? Because you asked?"
          "Because I will trade you. My life for hers."
          "No! I'm not leaving until he's dead," Meri snarls. 
          "Because that is such an option for you," Kione teases. 
          "Meri, it's not worth it. I won't see you killed. You mean too much to me."
          "To you or to your cause. What is she really to you, General? She's a figurehead. Some martyr to keep by your side. She's not that important to you."
          "I love you, Meri. I love you so much. I will keep you safe. I promise."
          "Empty promises. Just like the rest of your words."
          "He has to die, Jones. He has to."
          "Oh such drama. This really is entertaining to watch. It's like a sick, sad, love story. The only ones who will die are the two of you. The only reason you aren't bleeding yet is that I can't decide who gets to go first."
          "Me, take me. I'll do anything." Jones' sword clatters to the floor as he drops it in surrender.
          "I don't know. There is something so sweet about the way a man's eyes look when you kill the one they love. And you might actually love her. Let's see if that is really true." He presses the tip of the blade against Meri's neck. The sharp blade slices into the skin, drawing a gasp of pain from her.
          "Meri! No you can't do that! You can't. I'll get you out. You can't do that, Meri! Please, please, no. Don't do that."
          Kione's hand pauses. His words weren't directed toward him or the knife but to the woman. He glances down and is slightly startled by finding black smoke rising from the wound instead of wet crimson blood. 
          "What is this?"

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