Saturday, April 20, 2013

Not a Fairy Tale Ending - Part 1

          She's nervous. She can feel the tremors going through her fingers even as she works her way up the cliff. She's scared. All she can hear is the blood pounding in her ears. She frightened. This goes against everything he told her but she has to do this. She wants to be courageous. She can't let him, she can't let anyone else get hurt. She's terrified. She will avenge her mother and father even if it is the last thing she will do.
          She reaches the top of the wall and pulls herself over with only a soft rustle of leather against stone. She glances in both direction but the path is clear of guards to either direction. She darts over to the nearest tower and quickly descends the stairwell.
          She memorized the blueprints of the castle that Derrick had left out before she snuck out of the camp. She knew all of the servant pathways that would lead her directly to the throne room. Her target would be either there or in one of the rooms behind it. It was late enough that he might even been asleep. If she succeeds before the morning, then the armies sitting outside the castle doors would have no need to fight and no one else would die for this tyrant. It was only a matter of days now before the main body of the castle's would be defenders return from their war in the east. The rebels had no chance if that happened. She had to succeed.
          She didn't meet anyone in the back shadows of the small hallways. It didn't seem like anyone was still awake in the castle. Meri took the blessing without question, keeping her knife at the ready in case her luck decides to foul. She pauses at the doorway that leads to the large hall, the great fires filling the room with warmth and soft flickering light. Finally she sees another soul but it is just a simple servant tasked with watching and feeding the flames. 
          She glances to the head of the room but the throne is empty. Her target is not there. 
          She ducks back into the shadows and continues on. If he wasn't there, then he might be either in his planning room or in his bed chambers. One was on the way to the other so Meri goes first to the planning room. She can see a light under the door but there are no guards stationed outside. She can't pass up the opportunity that he might be in there. With silent movements she creeps to the door. She presses an ear against the wood. Her brows narrow as she closes her eyes to concentrate on trying to pick up any faint sounds inside. 
          She doesn't have any time to react when she hears the creak of the handle's mechanisms before the door opens and she falls into the room. She instantly tries to lash out but with a flurry of movement she is pinned down against the carpet. After a few futile attempts to struggle she finally stops thrashing to look around her. 
          She recognizes the sneering face that looks down at her where she is covered with shadowed figures holding her down. She has been plagued by that face since she was a little girl, watching from the closet as its owner struck down her parents during a supposed peaceful summit. 
          "I remember you." His voice is like slick oil, dripping with venom and saccharine poison. "The little brat that got away. Oh yes, I remember you. Though you've grown up so nicely. Your parents would be proud."
          "Don't talk about my parents!" she screams up at him, renewing her struggle against the shadows, but they hold her bound tight. 
          "Such fire. No wonder you've drawn the General's attention. No wonder he wants you by his side. Passion, beauty, and tragedy all wrapped together. Such a perfect sob story to hook the hearts of the low masses. Such a fairy tale to tell them."
          "Shut up! Just shut up and die!"
          "Die? Did you really expect to kill me? All by yourself? My dear, such delusions. Did he fill your head with these ideas?" His expression shifts into mock pity. "Poor child, I've been watching you since you reached my walls."
          It hadn't been luck then. It had been a trap. Derrick had warned her of that, hadn't he? Now she is doubly glad she hadn't let Jones come with her. 
          "You will die, you bastard. You will pay for your crimes. You will suffer for all of the pain and fear that you have inflicted on the people."
          "I'm afraid that you have bought into your own propaganda so much that you can no longer see reality.  This is not your story. This is not a fairy tale. The rebel army sitting outside of my gate will be crushed in two days time. My walls will not be breached and they die. You and your precious General have led them all to their death. Congratulations you may even have more blood on your hands than I."
          His words cut deep into her heart. Two days. His armies weren't expected for another four. All of the rebels outside would parish if his words were true. She rallied herself. They could break through the walls in two days. And he hadn't killed her yet, she could still-
          "But I have to thank you though, for delivering yourself to me. I was slightly worried that the General might slip away, abandon his armies for the chance of survival, but if I have you..." He drifts off as if in thought. A sly smile crosses his face and she feels cold. "Sleep, sweet child, I have plans for you."
          Darkness swamps her vision before she can do anything else.

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