Sunday, April 14, 2013

Zombie Survival Plan

          Everyone needs a zombie plan. Even if you don't believe that there are going to be zombies. You still need a zombie plan. 
          A zombie plan is more than just what to do in case of the living undead. It can also cover all biological attacks or chemical warfare situations or societal anarchy scenarios. There are a lot of reasons that the current society's constructs fail and everything goes to hell. I mean, that's what keeps Hollywood in business. Oh, I forgot hostile computer takeover. That's a good one.
          Anyways, everyone needs a zombie plan.
          Mine starts with step one; locate a good defensible, well stocked, secure area before the event. Then when the event (whatever apocalyptical or doomsday scenario occurs that doesn't instantly wipe me out) I'll go to this area with possibly a few choice individuals who happen to be in the area and I wait. I'm imagining that the first month of so is just riots and mob survival. So I'd wait that out. (A favored lock down area of mine would be like server rooms for an IT department. There are a couple out there with heavy lockdown procedures and secure environments. Filtered air, power, but still have other utilities in the area.)
          I'd stay there as long as I could before venturing out to see what hell I'm going to be living in and walking through. Hopefully everyone has either calmed down or killed each other. I'd quickly gather whatever left over supplies I could, any weapons I could find (including my own handgun), and then I'd either take my jeep or whatever heavy duty four wheeling off-road monstrosity I could find and leave. 
          Basically step two sums up as: get out of the city.
          I've read too many survival books where the cities are either death traps or become dictatorships controlled by power hungry individuals ruling through fear. I don't want to be trapped. Even playing videogames, I get extremely uneasy when I am pinned into a corner by zombies and I can't get away. So, I'd run.
          But I wouldn't be aimless in my running. I know I have a safe haven. Step three is making sure I get to the farm. That's the main goal of all of my family so I know that's where everyone will end up. It's out in the middle of nowhere with land, water, food, animals, and people I know I can trust. Plus if there is anyone I would trust to survive, it's my mother. Survival is her game. 
          Step four is survive and that will be mostly dependent on what sort of scenario we are in. And what is the most dangerous factor. Though I am betting on people being the most dangerous. The other survivors. 

          So what is your zombie plan?

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