Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ayteaelle Classes

          There are twelve classes in the Lyssus culture. Originally they were used as a caste system but eventually there was a revolution that freed the system. The revolution was somehow extremely successful and without much bloodshed. It was a freak accident and unimportant to the rest of the story, so I am probably not going to flesh it out much more than that.
          The current system however is used to denote which college was chosen after general education. There are different schools with in a class for different occupations. Within these classes there are degrees of mastery that prove that someone is of skill in his or her class which earn them greater respect and allow them to render their services at a greater cost, similar to a guild structure.
          Each class has a title, color, and symbol. Currently the symbols are taken from the zodiac because I haven't come up with personal new ones yet and that's how I originally sorted the characters. The twelve classes are listed below with their title and color and example occupations.

  • Ruling Class - Fuchsia
    • Ambassadors, Representatives, Governors, Politicians, High management positions
  • Wisdom Class - Purple
    • Arbiters, Lawyers, Judges, Counsel, Therapists
  • Arts - Violet
    • Painters, Sculptors, Musicians, Authors, Designers
  • Researching - Indigo
    • Scientists, Physicists, Doctors, Mathematicians, Psychologists
  • Merchant - Cobalt
    • Store owner, Stock manager, Business person, Shipping, Caravan Leader
  • Honour - Teal
    • Police, Firefighter, City guard, Body guard, Detective
  • Nurturing - Jade
    • Teacher, Nursery supervisor, Baby sitter, Principal, Educator
  • Fighting - Olive
    • Soldier, Professional, Sports, Martial artist, Caravan Protector
  • Travelling - Green
    • Caravan Guide, Tour guide, Trip planner, Foreign liason, Messagers/Post
  • Teaching - Gold
    • Professor: they take on a second class to teach in colleges
  • Making - Bronze
    • Engineering, Construction, Architecture, Manufacturing, 
  • Serving - Rust
    • Assistant/Personal manager, Cook/Chef, Dietian, Tailor, Taxi
The current characters of Ayteaelle are as follows: Aeacus (Arbitor) - Wisdom, Calleis (Ambassador) - Ruling, Alke (Civil Engineer), Theos (Mechanical Engineer), and Ictina (Architecture) - Making, Sotaria (Personal Honour Guard) and Kolmos (Honour Guard) - Honour, Gelos (Brawler/Caravan Protector (impromptu Guide)) - Fighting, Ermes (Trip Planner) - Travelling, Ster (Legal Assistant) and Krist (Ambassador Assistant) - Serving, Orpheanos (Wild Lands Scientist) and Maximilllos (Wild Lands Scientist) - Researching.

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