Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Demon's Story - Back Story part 3

          This becomes the darkest of time in Heroic lore. The Demon had much influence and much power. Even without the use of the Heroic power base. He no longer looked to the virtue that once made him an angel but embraced the darkness of sin. In that darkness was greed. He wanted more power, more sin to fuel him.

          He brought terror to the world of man. He brought chaos, confusion, war, strife, plagues, famines, death, and hate. He bred sin and sent it out all over the world. He influenced every culture and reaped his benefits. He distributed small Gifts to those who wanted power and were already steeped in sin. He gave Gifts and corrupted the innocent. He maintained a force of demon minions, gaining power as they did.
          Other demons feared him, content to stay in their small corners as he expanded globally. He left them in peace until they crossed his path. They were minor in comparison. As were the Heroes that tried to rise up and stop the Demon. None of them had the strength nor skill to take him down even when they waged campaigns against him. He simply laughed at them.
          He kept his spawns numerous but small, learning from his own rise to power. But there were several that he chose to cultivate, planning to destroy after they had garnered their own sizable amounts of power. He taught these how to spawn their own demons and then take the power back. He made careful calculation to keep them under him, but still he favored them, these Generals of his evil.
          The Generals were few and varied. All of different backgrounds and personalities. He had wild murderers, insane slaughters, conniving backstabbers, complacent traitors, and other breeds. His personal favorite was a cultured psychopath.
          This one figured out the system of power first, on its own, and began to develop its own experiments, learning what about humans made the best and most potent demons. The Demon left this one on its own for the most part as he wasn't as active as the rest, taking a slower growth pattern it seemed.

          The Heroes despaired. They were no match for the Demon. They could barely hold back his Generals and only limited the generation of new demons. No matter how many wars or missions, they never got close to the Demon.
          Until a certain family emerged. It was the dawn of the Industrial age. The women in the family were powerful Sages and Seers. The matriarch of the family had an idea and took it upon herself to visit the Demon. She took only a small group to infiltrate to where he is and face him. The Demon know of her efforts but was impressed with her bravery. He lets her approach, stripping her of her entourage so that she would face him alone.
          She finds him pitiful. She can see the virtue fighting underneath all of the sin that has been pressed on top, forcing him into darkness. She can See his previous life. She sees the Man weeping for his wife and his children. She sees the Man sitting with the woman in the inn by the sea. She sees the Angel with rage and white power seeking vengeance not just for himself but for so many souls. She sees the struggle between the Angel and his demon. She sees the smug smile the demon had before the final blow. She Sees him and lets him Look as well.
          His laughter falters.
          She uses his own power, drawn from that Angelic self, to bind him to her. In his fighting rage, his struggle to buck her shackles of power and chains forged from blood, he tears down his own castle, destroying his Generals without absorbing their power (save the psychopath). He howls at his own soul as he protects this woman from the falling stone with his own body even as he fights her control.
          But she wins. He settles and becomes like a meek pet. She knows better but for now he is sealed. The greatest evil mankind has known is now bound to her blood. She swears to use him as a tool to undo his evils. She swears to him that his sins will be resolved and his soul given peace. He doesn't believe her. (But he knows she can See.)

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