Monday, June 24, 2013

100 Post Check Up

While I am physically up in Chicago, I'm not up in Chicago yet. But by the end of the week my stuff will have joined me for a year long stint up here in Wheeling, Il.

That's a little terrifying and a little exhilarating. I am finally getting out of Georgia. New area, new people, new role. Farthest away from family I've ever been (my father's stores in Wisconsin don't count).

It's been suggested that I take the opportunity to remake myself with this fresh start. But honestly I really don't want to. Yes I'm lazy when it comes to physical stuff and I am/will be working on that. But otherwise, I'm pretty damn successful. I have a solid job. I have my creative talents. I have my education (which likes to fail me often and usually in social circumstances). I'm not very social but I'm okay with that. I work best with a few friends that I can get deep with. I don't need to be in the middle of a throng of people to be happy. In fact that's where I am the most uncomfortable. Unless I am dancing, and then the noise becomes a unifying factor and I can function. But in a situation with too many conversations, too many voices trying to get my attention even when they aren't directed at me plus usually too loud music, I shut down. I'm a high threshold introvert but you know what, I'm okay with that. I'm allowed to be that.

So I'm going to continue to be me. (With a bit more exercise and trips down to the city hopefully.)

It'll be nice to try somewhere new even if it is just for a year. And then I'll be returning to Georgia. If the Chicago experiment is a success, I'll probably try to get out again.

I'm crossing my fingers that I'll survive the winter!

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