Tuesday, June 11, 2013

work anniversary

Today is the one year anniversary of my time here at work, one year sitting at a desk asking myself, "What am I supposed to be doing?" Sometimes that question is answered and I get work done. Sometimes that work isn't even in the office and it's elsewhere and I get to travel. Traveling is a lot of fun. I've been to San Francisco, Chicago, Burnside, KY, Canada, Durham, NC, because of work. Other times though, it feels like crickets chirping back at me when I ask that question. Or they throw a fifteen minute assignment at me for the eight hour day. So instead of going insane, I started writing. and writing everywhere. I have my originals, I have my fan-fiction, I have my fan-projects, and I have this blog.

And still I find myself bored at work.

One year here and I think I have learned a lot. Mostly project management stuff, but with that comes with dealing with people. I am still terrified of picking up the phone and calling people and I still think I sound stupid when I speak, but apparently not stupid enough that I can't do my job. So they keep making me call people. It's a vicious cycle.

I feel like I am slowly gathering experiences, which I know is a definition of life, but they are meaningful experiences that I'll use later. I hope. That's the point of the program I am in anyways. I'll learn an entirely new set of skills in the next year and another set in the year after.

Still, one year... One year at this job, slowly filling up my bank account. Living on my own, fairly financially independent. Buying a couch, a tablet, and new TV.

I think I am doing alright.

I think I can make the next two years.

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