Tuesday, June 18, 2013


The artifact never collects dust.

It doesn't matter how long it sits in underground tombs or on the back of shelf at a musty library. Dust never settles on its surface. It doesn't collect in the fine edges of the filigree that decorate the metallic surface. It doesn't rest on the sweeping cradling curves of its handles. It simply doesn't touch the artifact, leaving a clean void in a halo around the object regardless of its setting.

Age does not touch the object. Oxidizing tarnish never blemishes it's mirror like surfaces, leaving it as bright as the day it was fashioned. Time does not diminish it at all.

Through the rise and fall of civilizations it has been treated with respect, awe, disdain, hate, reverie, desired, coveted, and more. There have been attempts to destroy it, to collect it, to harness it, to break it into pieces, to lock it away. But it still exists with not a scratch on it despite having wars clash down around it, over it.

It is a symbol of power, a symbol of hope, a symbol of ruin. It is an eternal symbol that stands for whatever label the passing mortals deign to place on it.

It wouldn't exist forever. It would just maintain itself just until its intended user and intended purpose came to pass. And then people would finally see it's true glory.

Until then it sleeps. It rests undisturbed by anything. Even dust.

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