Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lifetime Story

So, I've had a story come into my head some time ago. It's a long story that follows two characters through early childhood to and through adulthood. The characters change and mature over this time because happiness isn't always immediately in front of you. Presented in outline format to try to catch pertinent details.

Two kids, a boy and a girl
The boy is scrawny and nerdy, needs glasses, mussy hair, tall for his age
The girl is a tomboy, all rough and tumble. She's shorter than the boy. She has long blonde hair up in pony or pigtails usually.

Grade school:
They meets a little kids as neighbors. They become close friends over the summer that the boy moves in.
They go to school together and end up in the same classes through elementary.
Then the hell of middle school
     They finally start to have different classes the way their schedules fall
     The boy starts getting picked on until it gets physical
     The girl happens upon one of those times and beats up the bullies
     Word gets out, and she is his protector for the rest of middle school and early high school
In high school, it's obvious that they are going to go to different colleges as he is good at math and science and she is good at history and politics
     She sets up a plan where he tutors her to get her through the math and science, she teaches him to fight
     They are each other's first kiss and they go to prom together
     But they feel awkward as they are basically siblings, they part amicably

Different colleges, both out of town
They stay in contact via email and chat and phone
He keeps up the training and karate and starts to get a little muscle, attracting girls
She becomes a professional and gets out early, moving to another city with a serious boyfriend.
He finally graduates and gets a job in that same city, but keeps it a surprise from her

Post College:
He moves into the city and plans to surprise her at a bar she goes to regularly.
When he gets there she is being accosted by a drunk guy and he comes in to save her.
Sparks fly between them that night because they have matured into different people, no more awkward sibling feelings
But it turns out her serious boyfriend just popped the question which makes him a serious fiance.
She has some doubts which is why she kept it quiet, not even her parents know yet, but it kinda hurts him that she wouldn't tell him something like that
She gets him and her fiance together because her future husband has to get along with her best friend.
Fiance doesn't like the guy
He puts up with months of shit from her fiance when she isn't looking
When he finally has enough and can't hang around her because of her fiance and tries to pull back away from her, she decides that she doesn't want that and breaks it off with fiance

The boy and girl now turned man and woman
They start dating but he always wonders if he's just an excuse to get away from the ex-fiance and that he's the rebound.
She's finally really happy and finds that they work together really well.
She offers a plan to get a company started between the two of them.
He's not sure about it but when has he ever been able to say no to her.
They start the company and it takes off. They really do make a good team.
But she gets a little too into her work and starts to ignore their relationship.
He calls her out on it until there is a big fight.
He's close to walking away but she manages to get from his perspective and promises to fix it and makes him promise to call her out whenever she strays.
This system actually works and they are both happy.
He buys a ring and proposes to her. And this time it sticks.

Happy Ending

God, that's cheesy. But I guess that's why it's just going to stay as story prompt instead of actually being written.

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