Friday, June 14, 2013


There are certain people out there that when I am around, I do better. I am calmer, I am smarter, I am more creative, I just do better. Other times this phenomenon comes across as odd timing. Like after 30 minutes of no discussion both parties, my friend and I, will start typing at once. Or my dad and I will try to play a silly game that we both simultaneously remember (I win). I only make these connections with a couple people and they don't always occur with an established person. But I feel it is significant when these moments do occur.

It's similar to when athletes are put into a competitive environment; they perform better than when solo, except mine usually don't involve competition or even similar goals in some cases. Just someone's presence can assist me and my mind.

I've joked about it with my Dad since I've done it with him forever that our brains are on the same frequency.  So extending that thought, what if that is an accurate term? What if these people or my brain or a combination of both are tuning into a frequency shared between us at least for a moment? We, for a brief moment, are literally on the same wavelength probably at an unconscious level. We are resonating with each other and with that comes amplification. By matching or reaching whatever wavelength to be shared, I really am calmer, smarter, more creative, than just seemingly like it to my own perspective.

What if we were able to control this phenomenon? What if we were able to actively use it when we need/want it and we could tune into specific wavelengths to boost a certain aspect. You could have dedicated partners who have similar patterns to you to gain higher resonance. Similar to how I can use talking with my father to solve math better, talking with my best friend to calm my nerves, talking with my coauthor to write better scenes. But these patterns could be mapped out. I could know exactly who would best help me draw better or think clearer and I could invite them to work with me. Maybe having similar goals would benefit or maybe having non relating goals would be better. It's an angle play out. But you could set up dates with these pattern matches for resonating periods and get a lot of good work done.

A draw back to this I would add would be that you can't keep resonating for too long otherwise you might burn yourself or your partner out. So it would be intense but brief moments. The patterns could be something visual to compare or even something quantified into a numerical sequence. Either could be put online to advertise to find a match.

This could be extended to even multiple people resonating at once to boost the signal. Great minds thinking alike create even greater minds. But the burn out limit would be shorter with each person added, so there would be limits to how productive you could be. The gain though would be higher, exceeding the decrease in time. Like maybe the time is decreased by a third with a third person but the gain is quadrupled.

Story-wise, what if someone figured out a way to alter the natural frequencies and artificially make resonances?

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