Sunday, June 2, 2013

Witch's Son

Source (Auroaronkitten)

Scene Description:
Mother was out again. Something about the coven needed an emergency batch. it just meant more work for him to restock the shelves before the end of the season. Traffic always increased at the end of the season.
The soft morning light filtered in through the mist and glass pane as he bled the little creature into the glass bottle. It would need to be filtered out after three moon nights, so it was better to get that started early. Ingredient preparation was the most important and most tedious part of a witch's work, his mother's words drifted into memory.
The black cat slunk by, eyeing the small rodent warily. It would be a treat once it is fully drained.
The room smelled like the dried herbs that hung from the rafters tinged with iron and the tobacco from the cigarette in the holder dangling from his lips.
He tapped his foot and rocked the wooden chair in time with the upbeat rhythm of the song playing on the record table. He hummed along as his head bobs, the gray feather's tip bouncing against his collar bone.
He tossed the carcass to the cat who pounced on it with delight. The crow sitting at the top shelf, high above all of the knickknacks his mother has collected over the years, complained loudly about the unfair treatment.
"Shut it, Merlin. You don't like to cuddle." He stood up and went across the room, crossing out a wood on a piece of paper before looking at the next ingredient he is to prepare.

Plot for possible story:
People usually focus on the daughter of the witch because that's how the power is passed down. Or usually the father would take a son away. But the concept of a witch's son is interesting and kinda unique. A son learning a mother's craft. Now a story could go multiple ways. Does he have magic or not? He is for good or evil? I would have him be fairly neutral in that regard. In it for the money and/or fame. An anti-hero of sorts. And with limited magic but he knows all the tricks of the trade and is very good at the non-magic sections such as potion making. Very good with lore too.
As for the story, I would have him approached by someone, a young girl, for some type of request suitable for a witch and his mother is out. He decides to take it on despite the fact that it could be done with magic a lot faster. This would lead into something else, a snowballing plot.
Romance-wise, I'd like to see him fall for the girl.

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