Monday, July 8, 2013

Post Cards

I keep getting post cards in the mail
Saying "Wish you were here"
On a background of paradise

I wish I could be there
So I could call you a liar
Face to face instead of on paper

You don't really want me there
You wish for the idea of me
But not the flesh and blood

But I am not just an idea
Not just a pretty thing on your arm
Not just a placeholder
As your significant other

I am me, flesh, blood, and mind
Gotta take the whole package
Can't just take the good parts
That make you look good

You tell me you miss me
Just because that's what
You are supposed to do
Not that you really mean it

I know where you are going next
There'll be a postcard waiting for you
Telling you that I don't miss you
Anymore, no more
Gonna have adventures of my own

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