Thursday, July 18, 2013

Character Classes

ClassFemale WeaponMale WeaponStaminaStrengthDefenseArmorWeaponAgilityDexterityMagicSkillRangeSkill Type
WarriorSwordBo Staff81072895173Strike
RogueLong KnivesThrowing Knives645347104107Sneaky
ArcherCross BowLong Bow57517593810Support
Martial ArtistLegsFists10985185284Strike
KnightPole ArmBastard Sword881010822273Military
NinjaChain SytheLarge Shiruken66727810275Kill
Dark ArmorEpeeClaymore610510823943Dark
Beast MasterWhipFlail71066535495Creature
DancerKatanaChinese Sword510507107565Strike

So this is a chart that I came up with a while ago because I was absolutely bored out of my mind one day. It's set up very much like a D&D information sheet or video game character class sheet. I worked very hard to come up with two weapons per class, and a skill the class would be extremely proficient in (pretty much to the exclusion of another class having that level of skill themselves). Then I distributed points across the typical stat categories found in traditional games. Using a lot of math and balancing I think I managed to get a pretty good array of stats across the different classes. There would be no difference between male or female and hopefully there won't be a class that outperforms another. Let me know if you see anything that would indicate that. I also began a series of drawings using these classes and weapons but I have no idea where that is right now.

And for interaction between reader and I, let me know if there is a particular role you'd see yourself as.

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