Thursday, May 9, 2013


The soft quiet of the forest sinks into you, calming your mind and making your body relax against the soft moss the lined the hollow of the log that fits you like a throne. The happy babbling of the brook as the water tumbled over well worn down rocks pairs with the playful songs of the birds that you catch flitting from branch to branch overhead to stave off silence. The brushing of branches and rustling of leaves that are pushed around by teasing breezes don't quite mask the bustling of the small forest creatures or the buzz of insects as they work on their homes. With closed eyes, you tilt your head back against the spongy green material. You stretch out your legs and dip your toes in the cool rushing water that makes a serpentine pattern through your paradise. You breathe in deeply, feeling the clean air fill your lungs with health and forest musk. You feel the spots of warming sun move over your skin as the branches shift above you and the dappled shadows dance on the ground. You purposefully relax all of your muscles, letting your now heavy limbs sink down against cushioning plant life. Everything is calm and peaceful in your forest glade.

You look out to where sky meets water and watch as the earth curves away, only letting you see a small fraction of its entire surface. The crash of waves creates a constant roar in your ears as the waters angle so that as one wave finishes rolling down against the rocks, another one has already begun to make the salty white spray that the wind picks up and presses against your skin like refreshing kisses. You think about how the ocean is all about constants as the ceaseless wind tousles your hair even more and will continue to do so as long as you stand there staring at how the light glints and shimmers off the roughed surface of the water that promises to forever bring waves to beat against the rocks until there are no more rocks left. But there will still be water. You stretch your arms up and imagine letting the wind lift you up and into the endless sky. You think about travelling to the horizon to see if you could see anymore of the world before it disappears into the light ether of distance.

The darkness of both rock and sky are contrasted by the hot glow of the molten mass that oozes and presses up out of the gash in the side of the mountain. You stand a safe distance away but you can still feel the heat that would scorch your skin if you were any closer. A dark skein forms on the outside surface only to be broken apart with cracks of fresh material as the rolling wave works itself down the mountainside carving out new rivulets for following flows of lava. The fragile materials of the plant life that just moments before thrived with life and promise now flicker with flame without any direct contact with the glowing super heated rock. Tongues of fire devour the tender stalks and make the once full leaves curl into crinkled withered ash. You stare hungrily at the display of the unstoppable motion of destruction. You watch the reshaping of the landscape with a strange sense of power.

The air shimmers over the heated expanse. The giant hills of sand roll out in every direction. The vehicle skims over the surface as if racing the very winds that carry it along. The bright sun beats down upon every surface, exposed or not, but cannot bring down your excitement. The rush of motion and exhilaration of the breathtaking pause at the top when you ramp off a dune and hang in the air for just a short moment before gravity reclaims what is within its grasp makes your heart pound with joy. A bubbling laughter is torn from your throat as you hit and shoot through the valley, using the energy gained to launch you up again. The desert is your playground as you cavort from dune to dune, using the nearest burning star in the otherwise empty sky as your guide. You feel so alive and energized, like you can take on the world and have some to spare at the end to take the moon. Your outlook is as bright as the landscape around you.

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