Sunday, May 5, 2013

50th post check up

Haha! Fifty posts in and I'm still going. This is kinda cool. Okay update on me. I'm less than two months out from moving up to Chicago. It will be the first time in 20 years that I will not have lived in Georgia. I am excited beyond belief. Like bouncing off the walls with a sugar high excited. Yea, I'm going to be away from family, but it's maximum for a year before I return to Georgia and I get to see if I like being else where.

Other than that excitement, work is going fine, the farm is building up nicely, and family is doing well off. My brain hasn't fried all the way yet. Which is nice. Though I did have a pretty manic phase there where it felt like the creative faucet had a broken valve and I couldn't turn it off. I'm pretty sure I wrote at least 10 big entries here, I think about 7 fics elsewhere, did about 8 drawings, and etc in about a week. It was kinda crazy. And then I temporarily burnt out which was not fun. So brain, try not to do that again. Please mitigate creative flow to a steady output instead of trying to fry circuits and making me worry.

I don't know if anyone had noticed it but I have been working on sidebar navigation for this blog. Besides the calendar list of when and what has been posted I have also been tagging (or labeling in this case) my entries to group them. The link "Navigating the Tags" will help you sort by those labels. I also have a page outlining my big works in progress. My babies. These are the stories that you'll see glimpses off but not enough to give away the whole story (like of Ayteaelle). I am still hoping to work on these and flush them out more because I do at some point want to become an author (especially to help counter the not so good quality of literature I've seen out there).

I've also filled out a profile there at the bottom. Not that anyone cares at all. Please don't go look at it. Not important. Just giving updates here.

So is there anything else you'd guys like to see? Would you like more writing, more drawing, more ranting? I'm up for requests. Drawing requests take a while because my drawing skills suck but writing I can usually turn out pretty quick.

Okay I think it's time for me to sign off again. But just good job me for keeping this up.

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