Thursday, May 30, 2013

75 Post check up

Here we are again. I'm still here and you are still reading. I'm a month out from moving to Chicago. I'll have my 100 post update before that happens so I'll talk more about that then. In the meanwhile, I've been bouncing around here enjoying the springtime weather (could do without the allergies however). I got to hang out with my brother for a while to play Gears of War: Judgement. We are a pretty good team in that game, fairly equal too. I've read some actual books (which is actually something I've been lacking with all of the internet stuff I've been reading and working on) and I've passed one series onto my brother (and I totally left the book that I mean to give Mom in the car, dang it).

I've been heading up the farm a couple weekends. The chickens are doing great. I am a chicken whisperer, who knew. But they are adorable and cuddly and I really like hanging with them. I don't get it. Shea is still my favorite but Roo the rooster is coming into his own. He looks really handsome actually. And yes, I can pretty much name all nineteen. (Shea, Cheeks, Blondie, Dot, Helen, Ruby, Lucy, Rose, Ginger, Scarlet, Ada, Mae, Agatha, Mayday, Roo, Sweetie, Goldie, Louise, Peng, ha!) The ducks have fallen out of favor however but apparently my brother likes them. We have to faun whites and four blacks. They are like Daffy not Donald (Indian Runner Ducks). They are finally down by the lake. We still have giant fish in the lake and have actually put a couple on the grill. Mom's gotten three blocks of her garden built, filled, mulched, and mostly planted. We just took down a bunch of trees so the place is a lot more open. It looks nice. Great for visiting.

I also ended up reconnecting with a bunch of my high school friends this recent weekend which was really nice. A shout out to Ken, Frosty, Becca, and Andrew. Nice to see I haven't alienated myself completely yet. And it sounds like all of you are finding your places in the world. I'm always so fricking proud of my friends.

Also saw the new Star Trek. Wow, there are a lot of call backs to the original movies. I used to watch those on car trips so I know them pretty well and man there were some obvious points. Overall the story for pretty solid, not too many deus ex machina or extraneous scenes and everything seems pretty linked which always improves the story telling. The graphics are again shiny and impressive which sorta takes away from the story. Idk maybe I just like my science fiction a little grittier. Now I just need to get out and see Iron Man 3. Ugh.

My creativity is still coursing. It burnt out temporarily which was kinda painful and threw me into a mood but I managed to push through that. Now I am ahead in my weekly project else where, but I am barely ahead here. Feel free to send me prompts. Please. My art is slowly working but in fitful spurts. I need to get some sort of regiment there to get some sense of dedication and improvement. But I am still gaining small tricks that tend to help. We'll see.

Okay, I think that is enough for this post. I'll do this again in another 25 days. Later.

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