Monday, March 18, 2013


Alright, let's check this out... *glances around* ...Seems nice. So....

I'm Jordan. I am an engineer by profession, an artist and writer by hobby, and a geek by genetics. I am current 24 and a year out of college. I graduated from Georgia Tech with a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering, a certificate in Personalty Psychology, and two extra years in Architecture. I love reading science fiction (Heinlein, Asimov, McCaffrey) , fantasy (Terry Brooks, Jim Butcher), and dystopias (Orwell, Huxley, Ayn Rand). I like playing video games (adventure, RPGs, certain FPS). I have varied interests that I know way too much about such as dragons and Greek/Roman mythology. I love world building and usually set stories in a new universe. I also love character design and most of my drawing revolves around that. My current obsession is a story/webcomic called Homestuck. Feel free to check it out. My political leanings are Libertarian for social issues and Conservative for fiscal issues. I love to talk to and with people so feel free to bother me about anything. (I'll figure out a way to get communication channels set up.)

So what I want out of this blog is a place to post my works. A digital collection or display of sorts. Mostly this will be original work unless I manage to create something amazing from my fan works. I'll throw art (usually of the digital kind) or writing (either shorts, world building notes, or writing prompts) on here and see what sticks. I encourage you to leave feedback on anything, good or bad or meh.

Well, that's all I got for now. Thanks for stopping by!

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