Tuesday, March 26, 2013


          Why haven't you ever seen this path before? This forest is your backyard. You've played between these trees for years and should personally know every fern that covers the ground in between the lofty pine trunks. But this path... you've never walked it before. It looks well worn, the underbrush and floor debris pushed back to reveal the yellowish raw dirt underneath.
          You glance over your shoulder briefly, but decide to investigate. Strange incidents like this down happen everyday. Incidents like new paths in old woods aren't supposed to happen at all. The path curves around and dips out of sight as you follow it to an unknown destination.
          You are comforted by the usual smells of the forest, the musty scent of fallen leaves and tangy pine mixing together with every breath. The soft fall light filters through the tall branches to create a dappled pattern that mutes color tones. You hear the calls of your favorite birds as they flit between the trees and the scrabbling of squirrels as they stash their treasured nuts for the long winter coming.
          Despite the oddity of the situation, you have no sense of foreboding. Actually even that old thrill of adventure from when you were young and first exploring these woods comes back. You've always liked adventure.

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