Thursday, March 21, 2013


          Your hand rests on the sun-warmed rocks that crown the cliff that you perch on the edge of. The river ceaselessly flows on and crashes down next to you. It's a constant and loud roaring crash against the dark rocks that line the lake below. The sound drowns out the thoughts that would otherwise plague you and try to disturb your contemplation of the scenery.
          The space in front of you is a vast emptiness that expands down into the bowl of the valley framed on the other side by the sister set to the mountains that you find yourself on. The distance edges are tinged blue through atmosphere as a blanket of green boughs covers the rest, cut only by the continuing of the restless river.
          The land is untouched. For now. Even over the din of foaming water and hiss of spray you can hear the jingle of the caravan that you have been scouting for as they approach. They mean to make this their new home. You only hope that they treat the land with as much respect as it deserves.
          Carefully you stand from your makeshift seat and join them.

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