Saturday, March 23, 2013


          Morning has just broken over the horizon, but not the treeline yet. Light stains the clouds with gold and pink that will eventually brighten to white against the lightening sky. It looks like it will be a nice day today, you think to yourself as the chilled wind presses against your face. You watch briefly as the same wind gently brushes over the top of the tall grass, creating waves that stretch across the field.
          You know that everyone else is slowly waking just out of sight. You take this moment to be alone with your thoughts. The crisp air helps your organize your list of tasks. The fleeting scent of dew helps rejuvenate your senses. The soft rustle of dry grass calms you. The sight of golden light breaking over the forest and setting the fields on metaphorical fire gives you the deep sensation of home.
          Every day you take this moment. Everyday you remind yourself why you stay home.

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