Friday, March 29, 2013

Story Prompt

          So I got a story idea submitted by Les. I can't work on it right now because I have work and like 4 other works in progress that need to finished first. But I want to get this prompt out there. If you have anything to add or want to work on it, please comment and let me know. I wish to make this a garden of stories.

          "So a good person is killed, I'd make them middle aged so they have some life experience on them. Their heart gets transplanted. They don't communicate with the recipient but they are aware and assert some influence on decisions of the heart. Second person dies (in an interesting way as to be unidentifiable) they meet but wow the heart gets retransplanted into a third recipient. And the story goes on. Its the energizer bunny of hearts till finally there is a bad recipient. Which will have the greater influence the collective good or the immediate bad? Could the bad win but the collective just stops the heart or does the heart just give out from the conflict? Could go science fiction with long enough lifespans. Or does the good prevail?"

          This would be such an interesting story and a challenge to figure out how to portray the different voices and how does a heart talk. Ooooh this would be fun to sink my teeth into.

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