Thursday, August 1, 2013

Comic/Story Idea: Mad King

Courtesy of my brother. But untouchable really until Marvel surrenders copyrights to really old characters.

So Wolverine is invincible right? And un-aging? So what would happen if he was banished from Earth by a space craft pointed into deep space. We imagine he would go mad. Like the worst insane possible.

The way he got into this predicament would be that the dark side of mutants win, they take over the Earth and basically enslave humans. Of course the humans resist with the help of the good side of mutants, the X-Men, and as all stories like to go, the good guys win. Unfortunately humans aren't as good and trustworthy and condemn all mutants. But again, Logan can't be killed so him (and prolly all other invincible mutants) are banished from Earth in a one-way trajectory space shuttle into a dark spot of the universe. Thus begins his unwarranted punishment for his mutated genes which leads to insane, bat shit crazy Logan who still can't die.

At the same time, Earth and humans would continue to increase technology (maybe with the help of intelligent but secret mutants just for the ironies) and be able to create even faster space craft that would leap frog the one that Logan is trapped in. And humans with our need to expand and explore would send out colonization ships to new planets. One of these planets happens to have very ferocious natural fauna that awoke after colonization and happens to be in the path of Logan's space craft.

So, his crash landing wakes him up from his coma (I can imagine his body going into hibernation after running out of supplies and oxygen) and he starts wandering the new world. He comes across one of the settlements as one of the creatures attacks it. Even though he is crazy, or maybe even because he is crazy, he takes down the monster and saves the people. They then turn him into a hero and he turns himself into a king. A mad king.

What happens when Logan is a mad king is still up in the air. But doesn't this story have potential?

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