Friday, April 5, 2013

Space Ship Crew

So one thing that I have noticed about the characters that I love is that they are flawed. They aren't the perfect heroes that everything comes to them naturally and they excel. In fact, I actually dislike Superman for that reason. I don't like the perfect characters. I love the angst and the flaws and watching them overcome (or succumb) to their mistakes. So, as a side/personal project to develop a cast of characters that focused on flaws. I want to pull from a broader range of personalities (and personality disorders in some cases). I haven't played with many of them because I (like many other writers) write from what I am familiar with. 

So far I've put together this list for a space ship crew. I have no story for them yet but I still want to put them together and maybe it'll develop into something. Please give feedback or if you come up with some other interesting character quirks, let me know. This is an open crew.

One of the engineers always wears his space suit because “Do you know how easy it is for a hull to tear open. I mean there is only a thin skin of metal and circuits separating us from the black vacuum of space.” There is a scene that he is in an area that gets attacked and he has to use the space suit, his only reason for survival. He’s basically a nervous wreck and pretty paranoid but he can make the genius jumps for technological solutions and works beautifully under pressure.

The captain is a woman of vices. She loves to gamble and drink and is a bit of an adrenaline junkie which leads to reckless maneuvers but she is known to get out of most situations with minimum losses. She doesn’t disapprove of sex but has no desire for it (asexual). She dresses conservatively, adopting much fashion from male captains. She has subtle tendencies of a romantic.

The medic - Egotistical, doesn’t believe he can’t save anyone/anything, has a computer program that holds all of the information, the head engineer has programmed it with some snark to try to take him down a notch, it doesn’t work, medic just ups his game against the AI

Medical AI - snarky and stubborn, the AI tests the medic’s patience on a regular basis. It holds all of the known medical information and distributes it to the medic at the need.

The science officer - timid woman, but pretty genius. Her brain spaces out in times of crisis and she has to be sedated during such events. Light sedation allows her to work. Physically delicate

Communications - the joker/prankster, he gets into trouble a lot, has his own spot in the brig from when the captain has to reprimand him, very chill and laid back and can make a radio signal from a battery and a piece of tin foil.

Pilot - promiscuous, very physical, likes to hugs and touch people, causes Head Engineer discomfort,

Ship Control AI -

Security - very stern and strict, stickler for the rules, perfect for his/her role,

Head engineer - drinks with the captain, definitely a romantic at heart, ((what are my flaws (i wanna be engineer)...)) very proud of her work and her accomplishments, needs constant reassurance that her work is good, very level headed during crisis events, very protective of the crew, disagrees with some of the captain’s choices but supports her because of her track record, doesn’t like physical contact except from very close friends but gets clingy with romantic interests, the pilot is always breaking into her personal space

Second in Command - The captain’s right hand man and closest confidant.

Ensign - ADD, very distractible, has to be reprimanded constantly to get back to work

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