Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ayteaelle Titles

It has been brought to my attention by a friend that I probably should work out some scheme for titles and what not in Ayteaelle. It's kinda confusing because Aeacus doesn't actually care that much about them. Like she is aware and knows how to use them but she'll just throw formal standards out of the window all the time (that's why Ster is so important to her).

Monday, April 29, 2013

Aeacus Slice of Life - part 1

By request. Under the cut because dang this got long.

          The beam of light finally inched its way across the bed to fall across her face. As she cracks open her eyes to glare at the offending light, she knows that it is time to get up and face the day before Ster is forced to come find her. She glances over at the desk across the room where all of the papers are strewn about from her late night research. At least she found the notes that she was looking for. It only took her nearly ten chimes and fourteen books from deep within her college storage. But she had done it. After a long stretch she finally abandons the warmth of her bed and starts her daily routine.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ayteaelle Classes

          There are twelve classes in the Lyssus culture. Originally they were used as a caste system but eventually there was a revolution that freed the system. The revolution was somehow extremely successful and without much bloodshed. It was a freak accident and unimportant to the rest of the story, so I am probably not going to flesh it out much more than that.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


          I have a serious question that requires audience response. And by response I mean I want to see comments stacking up below this post with an answer.
          Would anyone be offended if I added ads to this blog?
          I'm tempted to do this because the blogger homepage offers it and I actually surprisingly seem to get traffic on this site (THANKS FOR READING). Though I don't know anyone in Russia or Germany who would be reading it. (The Russian counter is the same as the USA counter. I have no idea what is going on.) So if I did ads through blogger than I might get some money from it (I have no idea how much but I will let you know, maybe it'll eventually buy me some beer or something). It probably wouldn't be enough to do anything with but I am honestly curious. I am also curious to see what sort of ads would show up. Apparently it would be automatically generated from the content of my blog.... see why I am curious?
          Anyways, I am appealing to my readers' judgement because I like you guys. (SERIOUSLY THANK YOU!) If I get a lot of 'yes' or 'sure' or 'don't care' responses then I'll go for it. If I don't get any responses then I'll hold off until my curiosity gets the better of me. If I get a lot of 'NO' or 'I'll hate you forever if you do' kind of responses, I'll keep my blog an ad free zone. Even if I do get ads and you guys end up not liking it or if it gets bad, let me know and I'll take them down (unless it buys me a lot of beer). 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Dragon Prince

          My original file title for this was Dragon King, and then I realized I didn't give him any ruff or enough pomp to be a king so he got down graded to prince. Another quick sketch, though this one too longer than yesterdays. I love dragons. I love them in any culture, any size, any type, any setting, any genre. Dragons are just cool. 
          I used a color outline with darker for the over scales and lighter for the under scales and wings without any shading. I did look at a reference to get the general pose but then drew the rest on my own. I think his head is probably the best part and wing joints the weakest. I added the gold jewelry and sword to give him a story. 
          Prince is part of the lava dragon clan inhabiting a chain of active islands. He is the son of the clan's head. He's an arrogant little shit who likes to wear his formal jewelry every day to proclaim his status. He is hot headed and quick tempered. The rest of the clan only puts up with him because of their leaders' benevolence towards him, but they take every opportunity to put him back in his place (it doesn't work). Somehow he does have a close friend, his shell mate, who puts up with him and keeps him out of serious trouble by redirecting his attentions when necessary. Prince is fiercely loyal and is actually a decent fighter. He has lead the charge against invaders successfully several times. In fact the only time he's not an asshole is when he is on the battle field.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Em!

          Aw man, another birthday. And so close together. Sorry to anyone who doesn't actually care but today's post is dedicated to one of my best friends.
          HI EM! *waves furiously* Do you realize that we already have known each other for four years? And to think I met you on a clerical whim. You were our fourth random roommate at Tech. And we thought you were going to be this bitch who wouldn't talk to us or hang out with us and hated us without even meeting us (we have disproved all but the bitch part). And even after we found out that you just accidentally ignored us on facebook and you were actually friendly, we had a hard time drawing you out. The swine flu didn't help. But eventually we did. I still remember offering to lend my skills as a vent to you while making lunch. And boy you have made me keep my offer, haven't you? Not that I ever mind. Hell, it's one of my best skills!
But four years later and we are still talking. I think that fact alone is awesome. 
          You definitely help balance me because I know I am a social failure. You help me get off my ass and actually go out and try. Your venting helps put my own concerns into perspective. You listening to my rambles helps me refine my ideas into something valid. Your support of my art and writing really helps me especially when I hit my low points. I love the fact that we can share enthusiasm about Portal and that sending each other thinkgeek gifts is a thing. 
          I know I am stealing this word/concept from Homestuck, but you are a damn good moirail. "Without this person, I would not be sane." Yes this is a two way street between us. Thanks for grounding me. And pulling from my own fantasy world, a perfect Serut, 'Partner of the Soul'. It's not hard to write Aeacus' interactions with Alke or to write Alke's responses because you are just so much fun to write.
          You are my best friend and I hope that this friendship continues. Luv ya, Em.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


          No one pays attention anymore. 
          Okay some do. But not enough. (If you are reading my blog you are probably one of the few.)
          The majority of the people I come across in my day to day life don't pay attention. They buy into society's belief that it is all about them. And while I understand everyone is the hero to their own story, their own life, there are other people in the world. 
          I titled this post with politics which this idea of paying attention will drift into, but it starts as basically as watching the people directly around you. I'm talking about coworkers, friends, strangers on the bus, other people on the road, anyone. I feel like ninety percent of car accidents could be prevented if everyone just paid attention to the road and to others. I understand about drifting away on your thoughts or talking on a cellphone. I do it. And I've had some close calls because of it. But I get frustrated that even back in college, waiting for the bus to come, people outside of the bus wouldn't pay attention to those who needed to get off the bus. Or wouldn't pay attention to those with crutches or wouldn't offer their seat to someone who obviously needed it. We don't look around and notice other people. And we should. 
          So do that for me. Start watching other people and try to pass on the idea to PAY ATTENTION to something else outside of your own head. This idea needs to be fed back into society because common sense is no longer common.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Bro

          Today is my brother's birthday. He's turning old enough to legally drink. I am going to have to take him out for a beer or two once his school gives him some time off from his super busy schedule.
          Yea, you get a post all to yourself, Bro. I can't tell you how happy it made me when you told me that you read my blog. I know you said it was just because you were bored in class but you still read that and I think that is really really cool.
          I am really proud of you. I know it feels like the universe is against you and it pretty much has been since third grade for you, starting with the changes to the target program. But each time you've gotten through it. You still kick ass no matter what they throw at you. And that is awesome. I just sorta coasted by. You ground through it and I think you'll come out better for it. There aren't many who can get through Tech in under four years. I mean, I took five to do mine (switching majors is my defense). You really tried the football thing but I am glad you stepped away from that. I know that was hard for you and took a lot of courage. I know how much you loved it in high school and that is one of the top things I would change for you, I'd give you a great college football experience if I could. But hey, between you and Dad, I can hold my own in sports conversations.
          Being able too hang out with you recently reminds me of how cool of a brother you are. Your humor and ideas are great. A little bit scary, but still great. For as much teasing as you give me (and most of it deserved), I like hanging out with you. Makes me feel slightly more normal. I actually miss having you as a roommate to chat and hang out with after classes and to play video games with. Yea, I'm going to miss even the small hangout times I get now when I fly up to Chicago, but you can always come visit. 
          Anyways, enough gushy stuff. Happy Birthday, Bro. Don't kill your liver tonight

Monday, April 22, 2013

After the Story

          There are a lot of stories of some kid being chosen to be the hero, to save the world. Some even travel to extraordinary places in order to accomplish such feats. Some are just whisked away from everyday life, the here and now, and asked to perform the impossible. The stories usually have a happy ending of success and the kid gets to go home.
          But my brother brought up a good point the other day. 
          What happens to the kid when they go back to their everyday life? I mean, excluding the possible post traumatic stress syndrome related to the struggle of good versus evil, how does the return to normalcy effect the kid?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Not a Fairy Tale Ending - Part 2

          Her head aches when she finally comes to. In fact it feels like most of her body is sore. She feels particularly sharp pain along her wrists and ankles. Her thoughts swim in cloudy darkness as she tries to remember how to open her eyes.
          "Wake up, darling. I don't want you to miss the action."

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Not a Fairy Tale Ending - Part 1

          She's nervous. She can feel the tremors going through her fingers even as she works her way up the cliff. She's scared. All she can hear is the blood pounding in her ears. She frightened. This goes against everything he told her but she has to do this. She wants to be courageous. She can't let him, she can't let anyone else get hurt. She's terrified. She will avenge her mother and father even if it is the last thing she will do.

Friday, April 19, 2013


          Music. I can't make any. I have no talent for it. And yes I have tried. Two years in orchestra as a viola, one year in chorus as an alto, and x number of years in choir. And I can't sing to save my life. I can barely find rhythms to which to dance to. 
          But I do appreciate music. 
          I love the way bass makes me dance. I love the quirks and rhythms and the way certain voices sound. I love most music and find myself with my headphones plugged in most days for most of the day.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kyra Valendorf

This is Kyra Valendorf. This was a request from a friend to draw one of his characters (I have two more that I need to do, I haven't forgotten I promise). It is very inspired by the recent Final Fantasy female characters. I enjoyed the challenge of tweaking such recognizable characters into this character. I don't have backstory for her otherwise I would share that as well. The background was part of the description given as well as her basic physical features. This was one of my first pieces done with my tablet and I hope to improve from here on out. I might come back to revisit her later.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fairy Tale: A Knight and her Prince

          There is a kingdom in a far away land with a happy king and a happy queen and a happy prince. The people are happy and love the royal family who rule with a fair and steady hand, who work to make sure food and health are available, who make sure their borders are secure from outside attacks. 
          The King's head royal guard has been a loyal friend to the king since early childhood. His own daughter is being raised in a similar manner, raised closely with the prince. Her father makes sure that she learns how to fight along side the rest of the soldiers in the barracks. When she was little she was like a mascot to them. And then she got skilled enough that she could hold her own against them. She doesn't wear the thick heavy armor or wield the claymores but worked with the castle's blacksmith to develop something for herself. She went through soldier training and actually graduated with honors in most categories (her hand to hand combat still needs improvement). Several of the queen's ladies in waiting have followed her footsteps and had the same training but only she has gone all the way to knighthood.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Farm Life

          I am definitely a city girl. I love the traffic and the people and the closeness of buildings and the fact that anything I want is basically right around the corner.
          That being said, my family does own a farm. 36 acres out in the middle of nowhere. It's a thirty minute drive to the nearest Starbucks. It is not my ideal place, but it's home. It's where family is.

Boston Bombings

          My heart and prayers go out to the victims of the Boston Bombings. I can't imagine the pain and fear of the people in the area, but I congratulate and thank all of the people who ran towards the explosion to help those who were hurt by the blast even if they were not official emergency crews. 
          How this happened is easy to explain. Bombs are easy to make if you have time, material, and an instruction manual. The Why though, I cannot comprehend. I hope the people who had a hand in this are caught and then never see the light of day again. I want them to suffer for every death, every injury, every loss suffered yesterday.
          For Boston, be safe, be careful, and be proud. From what I know, people reacted well to the situation. I am sorry for your loss of both lives, wholeness, and safety. I hope you can return to normal as soon as possible. 
          I encourage those who can help, do so however they can. If you want to give blood, wait a little while because they will have an influx of blood right now, but they will need it later too. If you want to give money, find a good organization. If you can, reach out to someone in Boston and make sure they are okay and if they need anything else. 
          Good luck everyone, and be safe.

Monday, April 15, 2013


          The noise cancelling machine drones on over head. It's the simple white noise of rushing air but every once in a while it conflicts with the rumble of the air conditioning and makes it hard to think sometimes. But it is effective enough to dull the conversations that pass between coworkers over the non-cubicled desks. An open floor plan with simple white planes for desks and matching gray and back chairs. Both with too many levers. Everything is adjustable and customizable but there is no guarantee that one will get the same desk day to day. It's a free for all for everyone who doesn't have their name magnetized to the long rectangular lockers that separate the rows.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Zombie Survival Plan

          Everyone needs a zombie plan. Even if you don't believe that there are going to be zombies. You still need a zombie plan. 
          A zombie plan is more than just what to do in case of the living undead. It can also cover all biological attacks or chemical warfare situations or societal anarchy scenarios. There are a lot of reasons that the current society's constructs fail and everything goes to hell. I mean, that's what keeps Hollywood in business. Oh, I forgot hostile computer takeover. That's a good one.
          Anyways, everyone needs a zombie plan.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Perspective on Perspectives

I usually write in first person or third person personal when doing my stories because that’s how the majority of writers that I read write. But because of the Homestuck fandom I have been reading a lot more from the second person perspective. I am trying to expand my writing styles so I have to categorize the perspectives that I write with and hope to write with.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Thoughts on Thoughts

Okay so this is an old (about a year ago I think) exposition I wrote about me and my brain. It has some repeating topics and points from the previous couple entries but I guess that's a good indication that I haven't strayed too much from where how I think about myself in the past year. Enjoy?

I’ve done some meta thinking on how I think. I’ve tried to analyze how my brain works. The best I’ve come up with is that my brain is a very scary place. Like imagine an old playground at dusk where only one of the swings is still moving despite no wind and no kids. Yea, that’s my brain. It disturbs me on many occasions. But I do find it fascinating when I come across something that makes me react. It could be a certain idea that strikes a chord with me. A certain scene that I can see so very vividly in my mind’s eye. A summary of a story that I want written or to write. A character’s breakdown that resembles how I want to feel. A character’s actions that make me want to scream at the world, ‘Look at what he has done!’ The way a writer has used words to transform something mundane into something brilliant. Same with photographers and the composition of their images. A piece of clothing or facial hair or collar bone that makes me whisper, ‘want.’ A touch, caress, kiss that I so desperately want for myself. It’s the new stuff that makes me think about why I thought that.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wow I have 25 posts over 25 days. This is probably the best 'diary' that I have ever managed to accomplish. I'm going to blame it on the automatic posting of scheduled entries. This means I can look like I am doing due diligence everyday when in reality I am simply having bursts of entries and then shove them into a queue. It supports my abhorrence of daily tasks and lets my brain work the way it wants to. I can't tell you how many failed diaries or journals I have that have like maybe a max of 10 days filled out before I fail. And it's not like I fail just by skipping a day. I skip like months or years at a time. Or basically until I rediscover the notebook and re-purpose it. I think I'll do a post like this every 25 just to congratulate myself. I'm okay with that.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


          Okay, how about some psychology talk?
          I took 5 psychology classes in college. It was enough to get me a certificate in psychology which doesn't mean much except I can probably follow the theories and studies of that field to some extent. One of my favorite classes that I took was Personality. This class covered some of the big names known to everyone like Freud, Skinner, and Pavlov. It was interesting to look at how each of their theories worked and how each of them almost got it right. My favorite part was applying their theories to my own life to see how accurate their models could describe me. But one theorist really caught my attention. It sounded right to me and explains a lot of my life and the lives of those around me. I've used these theories in arguments and mediation attempts in my family.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

AeacusTero Part 2

          Aeacus is part of one of my larger works in progress. I probably won't be putting too much of it up here except for the art of the characters. Aeacus should be up maybe soon. I'm having trouble with her face. 

          Anyways, Aeacus comes from an inspiration to do some fan style characters of myself and a few of my friends. I then liked this set of characters that I removed some of their fan characteristics and created a story for them. I used my friend's horoscopes, actual occupations, and personalities to assign the characters their classes and occupations. Since I am an Aquarius and I end up moderating a lot of things and playing psychologist for family and friends, Aeacus ended up in the Wisdom class as an arbiter.

Monday, April 8, 2013


          I feel like making a post about my blog's name, aeacustero. Aeacus and Tero are actually two of my original characters. One is a meddling, slightly clairvoyant Arbiter and the other is a loud and playful Elven bard. Two different universes. Two ways that I wish that I could be sometimes.

          I'll start with Tero. Her character has evolved over the years. She started as Ter, a displaced elven princess that knew medicines and how to fight but when to talk. She was pretty quiet and reserved. I used her to play with friends and started writing/building worlds with them. Roleplay. It was fun until I was the only one writing because I had a computer class and way to much free time (sounds like now...). So Ter softly disappeared but was still dear to me.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


So I really like government dystopias like 1984, Brave New World, Animal Farm, and Atlas Shrugged. I love the messages that they instill. It's terrifying to see the choices that led to those environments occurring today in our society and government. I brought this point up with a couple people and that coupled with the fact that I write, they told me I should write one that appealed to today's audience.

I should write one. But how. How do I write one?

I think it would be from the perspective of one of the spoiled. Someone who totally believed in the propaganda and wholeheartedly followed it and even promoted it. They will be eager to. Eventually they will start catching the logical fallacies of their government. The inherent oxymoronic beliefs. When they look into it, like a simple tweeting question or google search, it triggers two things, the resistance and the government's network.

The environment. I don't actually want to go to science fiction to the point it's not believable such as BNW or told in some other culture like Animal Farm. I want it to be very relateable. So maybe make it vague enough that it could be modern day but throw in just enough small elements that it seems off. Maybe some old technology and new technology. Make it very anachronistic. Very heavy governmental control but with conflicting ideas. Need to develop this.

Story is about the main character's shift from spoiled sheep to being aware of the situation through interactions with the government and the resistance.

To be developed...

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Sketches. I had a particular character in mind but I wanted to explore a bit of a looser sketching style. This is done on a plane to Washington DC.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Space Ship Crew

So one thing that I have noticed about the characters that I love is that they are flawed. They aren't the perfect heroes that everything comes to them naturally and they excel. In fact, I actually dislike Superman for that reason. I don't like the perfect characters. I love the angst and the flaws and watching them overcome (or succumb) to their mistakes. So, as a side/personal project to develop a cast of characters that focused on flaws. I want to pull from a broader range of personalities (and personality disorders in some cases). I haven't played with many of them because I (like many other writers) write from what I am familiar with. 

So far I've put together this list for a space ship crew. I have no story for them yet but I still want to put them together and maybe it'll develop into something. Please give feedback or if you come up with some other interesting character quirks, let me know. This is an open crew.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Story Prompt - Garbage Man

This would be a short story along the lines of a science fiction psychological exploration. I've outlined it a couple times but I haven't really started writing it because I don't know how to include the background details into the actual story. The background details of the environment, but it comes off as dry exposition. So I'm just going to throw this one out here and see what comes of it.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Demon's Story - Back Story part 3

          This becomes the darkest of time in Heroic lore. The Demon had much influence and much power. Even without the use of the Heroic power base. He no longer looked to the virtue that once made him an angel but embraced the darkness of sin. In that darkness was greed. He wanted more power, more sin to fuel him.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Demon's Story - Back Story part 2

          When the man unlocks his Gift with the willing sacrifice from the virtuous, Heroic woman in the inn by the sea, he doesn't quite become a demon. His sins are still present but he becomes nearly angelic and with nearly equal power to the demon who killed his family, destroyed his people, ruined his lands, and gave him the Gift. With this new power the man goes in search of the demon leaving a wake of white hot fire that cleanses the land behind him. But as he kills the lesser demons, their power adds to his, their sins not forgotten but lost underneath his righteous fury.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Demon's Story - Back Story part 1

Refer back to the previous post for how demons work.

          So, stereotypical story, Man goes out for some errand for his lord/king/war and is successful and lauded for his efforts. He comes home happy to his castle after being away for months or years, some long span of time. But he finds his lands laid to waste, his castle on fire, his people dead, his wife and family dead, and a demon sitting pretty at the head of the table, in his spot.