Thursday, October 31, 2013

Not Dead

I swear.

I've just been busy. Between my tumblr project and other small writings I haven't done much on my original works except poke at them when I explain them to people.

But I have found a great writing friend that I hope to continue to meet with to bounce ideas off of. His ideas are rooted in Dungeons and Dragons as he is a DM, Dungeon Master, aka the Story Teller. He helps the players create great characters to go on epic quests with brilliant twists and depth to them. He laments not being able to put his stories actually to paper but damn, his ideas, D&D based or original, are fantastic. I want to help him get them out there.

At the same time, I've run my ideas by him and have gotten some epic feedback. He's fixed the ending of Not a Hero completely and made it a thousand times better which means I really need to find names for everyone and just sit down and write it. And between my new friend and my dad, I think I'm about ready to write my Fairy Tale. I am tempted to write it for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer's Month) but again I need names and a brain.

I've been getting into a weird cycle where I can just spew words out like no other. I'll be able to build up some headway on the tumblr project. Like right now, I am five stories ahead. I've been able to do this enough that we are now posting two stories per week. But then after this burst of writing, I immediately go into a dearth where I am struggling to put two words together. I still get ideas but they just won't flow from my brain to my hand and it's fucking annoying, excuse my language. Just a couple days ago I was a fire hydrant of stories and now I just keyboard smash and it's better than anything I actually try to write. Write now I'm in the dead period so I don't know if I'll actually NaNoWriMo but I'm gonna try.

Happy Halloween!