Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dragon Link

Hic Sunt Dracones
This combines my engineering love and that stuff from the blacksmith into my favorite creature (don't tell me dragons aren't real. Don't you dare say that). The robotic movements still aren't as fluid as it biologically would be but hey I'm not complaining at how awesome it looks. I'm going to start plotting my own dragon soon if we can't get them bioengineered.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Photo Art Link

Art that is fantastic. Photo realism in painting and drawing is a lot harder than it looks like but this is an awesome twist. It's photos that don't look real. They absolutely look like paintings. I wish I had an eye like this.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blacksmith Link

Oh man, I want this as an occupation. This is badass! And if I can't become an apprentice, I will save up to buy something from this guy. I've seen him around a couple of times, even a video of him turning the Key Blade from Kingdom Hearts into a functional weapon (instead of the blunt object that it appears to be).


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Science Fiction Story Link

I've been pretty lame about upkeeping this blog which I was afraid of with the new job. However I have been slowly collecting interesting articles/links that I have found or been given so I'd like to share those in a facade to make it look like I am still here.

To start it off, my brother gave me a link to a collection of short science fiction stories that I have been slowly trawling through because I am such a completion-ist. So below is one that I really enjoyed. If you like science fiction, go explore this site. It has science fiction of all flavors.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Alke and Aeacus

So I commissioned a brilliant artist, Ana, to do a drawing. I am spectacularly happy with it. I present to you, Alke and Aeacus. 
Alke is bold and boisterous, gregarious, hard working and tough. She has a happy disposition, but is kinda clumsy which she get made fun of a lot. In turn she jokingly gets angry at that but takes it in stride. She hates to see friends in distress. She is very good at her job as a civil engineer and takes pride in it. She is easy going until something stupid happens and she has to go out of her way to fix it. She doesn’t do that quietly, but she will make sure it doesn’t happen again. She isn’t about the drama, however, she just doesn’t like stupid, wrong, or rude.
Aeacus, the arbiter, is very wise and knowledgeable over many subjects, but her advice is largely disregarded for reasons she can’t figure out. She hides her insecurities behind an act of being drunk. She is usually found carrying a large jug around of ‘wine’ (really just grape juice). She drops hints of good advice, but as she is perceived as a drunk, it gives everyone a reason to ignore it. She is also a good sounding wall for some reason and everyone is inclined to spill their emotions to her. She is secretly very good at setting people up and making things work uncannily. She is very protective of her friends and will do anything to save them.
The two of them are best friends, Seruts, “Partners of the Soul.” They balance each other out and keep each other sane and somewhat out of trouble (they have been arrested together on several accounts but Aeacus has gotten them out).
Okay enough about them, I just want to gush about the art! Ana caught Aeacus’ personality perfectly through the reclined pose and I really want Alke’s dress (the shoes came out brilliantly!). Just the soft colors and the detail on the fountain, wow. And Aeacus’ jug! I love everything about this. It is perfect. If you have characters you love and want drawn, please go see if Ana’s commissions are still open. It is totally worth it. (Though if you don’t hurry I might beat you to them and get in line again.)